It's all about how you see the things not look at the things

Hi There!!

This is my first blog. After reading for months together now I am trying to put my views, thoughts and most important one - vision towards the simple but important things of the world, into the words.

I am just trying to crawl and then walk with small but steady steps in the world of learned,  deep thinkers and great intellectuals of the hour.

I have been thinking  for so many days to write about many but one thing in particular, which "Helpless attitude of the youth". Don't underestimate the power of common man  has just become the word of the so-called leaders or visionaries of the nation. And what is more ironic is that, they are also not using this for any good but to meet their selfish ends or more precisely to get the blind vote in the form of support.

Youth, especially the students, who are about to become adult citizen or complete their formal or traditional school education and getting ready for the RACE. Yes!! you read it correct. The so called race which  actually does not exist and if by all means, if it is there, it is not meant to take you anywhere.

This race, or more clearly injection of this "Life risking Drug" in every individual youth whether he is a +2 student with aspiration to be a doctor or engineer or any other job to satisfy himself or a university graduate of any stream and freshly appointed in his desired job or someone at the semi administrator level in an MNC all are being given the same dose LIFE IS A RACE Tez nahi bhagoge to pichad jaoge. And what is more troubling is that we, the youth, follow this instructions of the trainer of the circus(world) with a whip in the hand, as if it were our religious duty to ruin our life at somebody's wish, without even giving it a second thought.

In then end, all I would say, "If you don't work on building your dreams today, some day somebody will hire you to fulfill theirs."

And one day we will end up singing this


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